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Got questions?
We've got answers.
Where can I find a list of the episodes?You've found it! Just dowload our Auto-B-Good 9-Virtues - Lesson Hyperlinks Document and you're all set. To watch the epsiodes you must have an active paid license.
Where can I get replacement DVDs or VHS tapes?We have stopped manufacturing DVDs and VHS tapes, in order to provide our customers with the best possible experience, highest resolution and most updated materials. If you have purchased DVDs or VHS tapes from us in the past, the good news is we consider you a valued Legacy User which entitles you to a substantial discount off our everyday low prices when you upgrade to our new online resources. To learn more about how to upgrade contact us at 888.900.4090 or by email at
What is the least expensive way to start using these materials?All our licenses are more affordable than many of our competitors products, but the most affordable way to start is with a Single-User/Counselor License and as the need to expand the number of users grows you can easily upgrade to a Multi-User/School License. We have put together a Product Flier just for people interest in our Counselor License. Have you used our materials on DVD or VHS? Don't forget to ask about our Legacy User discounts to make our material even more affordable.
Can my school use a purchase order?Absolutely. We're glad to help! Download the Order Form found in our pricing guide below or just give us a call at 888.900.4090. Feel free to email us for more details about how to submit a purchase order. You can request a W-9 for your records.
How many users are allowed to access?More about Subscribers, Users and Viewers... 1. Subscriber is the person or organization who has paid for the license to use our resources and may also be a registered user of the materials. We now offer a COUNSELOR (Single-User) LICENSE, in addition to our SCHOOL (Multi-User) and DISTRICT (Multi-Site) LICENSES. These School Editions are for institutional use in auditorium gatherings, in-person classrooms and online meetings (Zoom, WebX) through your school. Shop our plans to find the license that suits your needs. 2. User is a most often a teacher or counselor that has been authorized by the subscriber to facilitate the leading of our resources. However some schools choose to set-up generic user profiles for classes or grade levels. When a subscription of the School Edition is purchased, a user/teacher profile is then created for each of the email addresses provided to us by the subscriber/school, for example a specific teacher MrsSmith@yourschool-email or a generic user ABG3@yourschool-email. An email will then be sent to each of those email addresses with instructions on how to finish setting up the profiles by creating a password. In the event, your school wants to give students access to log-in individually on their own time, it is recommended to create passwords that are different from what that email uses for other accounts. For example, set-up basic passwords for each class or grade level (ABGgrade1, ABG3smith, etc.) 3. Viewer is typically a student who is watching the material being presented by the user, either in person or through online learning experiences. While there are technically no use-limits on the class size with traditional in-person settings, for example a pep rally in the auditorium. There are however limits to how many viewers may log-in on individual devices such as iPads and laptops for a given user. This is because these sorts of viewers are essentially now the same as a user. Schools using tools like SeeSaw to assign their students independent work, that viewer (student) would log their device onto our platform using the credentials set-up for the user who issued the assignment. In an effort to manage our bandwidth resources, we have limited this sort of access to a maximum of 25 viewers per user profile during a 6-hour period. So for example Mrs. Smith's 3rd grade class could have a maximum of 25 students logged in from different devices at a given time using the credentials set-up for her.
Which online meeting/virtual learning software is supported?In this ever-changing technological climate we continue to expand our abilities. We have been able to integrate with services like Zoom, WebX and SeeSaw. If you are using something else, we can work with you to make sure you can implement our materials as effortlessly as possible.
How many months does the annual plan cover?We start the 1-year from the time you activate your subscription, and it runs for 12-consecutive months. If you are a school and would like to make sure you have access for the entire school year, just contact us at 888.900.4090 to discuss more options.
Am I locked into a long-term contract?For the best service experience, we recommend using a purchase order which may be paid by check or credit card and working directly with one of our sales reps. You may also purchase by credit card directly through our store. Your subscription will not auto-renew and you will need to submit a new purchase order before the expiration date to renew your license without interruption. To learn more about our Home and School Editions or multi-year and district-wide licensing agreements check out our plans page. For your convenience we also offer the ability to purchase a monthly subscription plan using a credit card directly through our RisingStar.Digital apps and platform, your card information will be kept on file and will automatically be charged at the start of each month to maintain uninterrupted service. However, you may cancel your subscription at anytime without penalty. You may also purchase a yearly plan this way and may cancel at anytime before your plan auto-renews at the end of the year.
Why won't my video play, I get an error code?"This is most likely a result of your internet safety protocol. In some rare cases, schools may have to "white-list" each of our video links because the current restriction settings are too strong. It's a fairly simple fix, just download a list of the video links for our each of our lessons to share with your IT department.
How do I get a Family Edition discount code?When a school implements the Auto-B-Good 9-Virtues SEL Program, they can opt-in at any time to be issued a unique coupon code that can be shared with the families of all their students. This coupon code saves these families $50 off the regular price of the Home Edition, making it just $49.95/year. Families will then contact their school counselor to receive the coupon code before starting their subscription.
Upgrade from DVDsGreat! You already know how awesome our videos are, and we know you'll love our new streaming service even more! As a thank you for being long-time partners, we are happy to help make it even more affordable for you to transition to our all new resources on our streaming platform. That is why we offer an additional Legacy User discount on top of our everyday low prices on all our licenses and for any term length. No more having to find a DVD player or dealing with scratched and broken DVDs. By upgrading, you'll have access to all of our content online, offline, anytime and from anywhere! We're eager to help answer any questions you may have or set up a time to connect and show you all of the new features.
Where to Start?You can start by scrolling our home page to see an overview of Rising Star Education. Then, you can head to the 'Learn More' page to become more familiar with our content!
Schedule a Free DemoGreat! 🎉 Schedule that free demonstration right here: PLUS: we'll give you an all-access 2-week "Test-Drive" of our award winning resources for free! No credit cards, commitments or strings attached. Just a good old-fashioned tire-kicking on us!
Learn More About UsRising Star Education is an education platform offering award winning social & emotional learning (SEL) resources for K-6! Learn more by scrolling through our home page
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